Speaker Jacob Mudenda, Minister Ziyambi clash in Parly

Zim Now Writer

Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi, who is also the leader of government business in the august House and National Assembly Speaker, Jacob Mudenda yesterday clashed in Parliament over moving a motion.

The impasse emanated after Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Deputy Minister, Nobert Mazungunye responded to the Speaker’s call on the Justice Minister to move a motion.

Mudenda objected, to which Ziyambi  retorted: “Hon. Speaker, the Deputy Minister is there, it is allowed…”

“That is not the issue Hon. Minister.  I had been advised that you were going to move...,” Mudenda answered back.

“Initially, I was informed it was the Deputy Minister. Then, I was informed that the substantive Hon. Minister Ziyambi is here, he shall give the Notice of Motion,” he said.

Zanu PF Chief whip, Pupurai Togarepi tried to intervene, saying Ziyambi was going to the Senate but the Justice minister said he was “conversing with those, and I will listen attentively while he is…”.

However, Mudenda would not allow the deputy minister to move the motion but Ziyambi insisted: “Hon. Speaker, there is no rule that forbids the Deputy Minister from moving the motion.”

After telling Ziyambi that his “private conversation does not take precedence”, the Speaker ordered Ziyambi to leave the House.

“Hon. Minister, can you leave the House!” he ordered the Justice Minister.

But Ziyambi, who sits in the politburo with Mudenda, would not leave without a fight.

“No, Mr. Speaker.  That is not correct.  Why are you saying I should leave the House?  Why are you saying I should leave the House? Ah no,” he said.

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