ZIMRA Sets VAT Deadline for Businesses

 Rutendo Mazhindu- Zim Now Reporter

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority has reminded all VAT-registered operators in Categories B and C to submit their tax returns and payments for the period ending February 28, 2025, by March 15, 2025.

In a statement released today, ZIMRA emphasised the importance of compliance, warning that failure to meet the deadline could result in penalties and possible prosecution.

"Registered operators must complete and submit VAT returns online via the Tax and Revenue Management System through the Self-Service Portal," the authority stated.

ZIMRA also stressed that Input Tax claims must be based on valid Fiscal Tax Invoices.

"Operators are advised not to claim Input Tax on invoices other than Fiscal Tax Invoices issued from Fiscal Devices of other registered operators. Any invoice that is not a Fiscal Tax Invoice will be disallowed," the statement read.

Additionally, VAT-registered operators have been urged to upgrade their Point of Sale systems with fiscal devices compatible with the Fiscalisation Data Management System.

"The bank will validate the payment before posting the transaction using the Taxpayer Identity Number. It is crucial to ensure that the TIN is captured correctly," ZIMRA advised.

The authority further highlighted that tax returns must be submitted before payments can be recognized.

"Funds in the ZIMRA Bank Account require a tax return for payment to be recognized and posted to the taxpayer's ledger in TaRMS," the statement added.

Taxpayers with outstanding returns and payments have been urged to clear them promptly to avoid penalties and interest charges.

"All taxpayers with outstanding returns are reminded to submit them without further delay. Late submission attracts penalties, interest, and prosecution," ZIMRA warned.

To facilitate compliance, ZIMRA has set up Self-Service Centres (Kiosks) across various regions where taxpayers can submit their returns.

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