Woman loses over US$7k in travel deal

Michael Mashiri

A woman from Westgate, Harare, who works for World Adventure Travel Tours, located at corner 3rd Street and Central Avenue, appeared in court for her initial remand after defrauding another woman of over US$7 000.

The woman wanted to travel for a holiday with her family.

Tsitsi Muzembe, 46, appeared before the Harare Magistrates' Courts accused of fraud.

The complainant in this matter is Lilllian Tinyarare Garapo, who is self-employed at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals.

The State through, Tariro Gwatidzo, alleges that on March, 3, 2023, at around 1400 hours Garapo approached Muzembe as she wanted to travel to Durban with her family of 14 for a holiday trip.

Garapo requested to pay the flight ticket in instalments and Muzembe charged the total amount of US$7 385 for the 14 people.

Muzembe agreed with Garapo that the payment would come in instalments.

On the same day, Garapo paid US$2 800 and was issued a numbered receipt.

On March 9, Garapo paid US$3 295 and was also given a numbered receipt.

Garapo paid another US$1 290 on March 17 and was issued with another receipt.

That was the last instalment and Garapo was now fully paid for her flight tickets and was supposed to go to Durban on April 7.

On April 2, Garapo asked Muzembe about her flight tickets and she gave the excuse that she had made errors on the names and wanted to correct them and then send to her, which she did not do.

On April 7, Garapo went to the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport to check for her flight tickets at the ticket sale office and was advised that there was no ticket which was bought by Muzembe.

Garapo asked Muzembe about her tickets, requesting her to refund the money if she had not bought the tickets, but she failed to give a convincing answer.

That led Garapo to report the matter at Harare Central Police Station, leading Muzembe’s arrest.

Garapo lost US$7 385 and nothing was recovered.


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