Inside Mutumwa Mawere’s application for ED removal

Mutumwa Mawere has filed papers at the Constitutional Court, seeking to block incumbent president, Emmerson Mnangagwa from contesting in the August 23 polls.

In his application for an interim interdict and restraining order filed on July 5, Mawere said Mnangagwa must be "interdicted and restrained from participating in the 2023 elections."

Mawere is arguing that the Act precluded the concurrent application of the provisions of the Companies Act in relation to the affairs of a company whose control and management was divested and deprived due to the Reconstruction Act.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has applied to have Mutumwa declared a vexatious litigant for his continued attempts to have the courts in that country interfere in the SMM issue.

In the application, the SA president’s lawyer says that Mawere wants to use the Office of the President of the Republic of South Africa, to attack the Zimbabwean court judgment and the Reconstruction Order.

“Mawere was given an opportunity, through the Zimbabwean judiciary system, to challenge the Reconstruction order, and he failed,” reads the application.

Mawere got Shabanie Mashava Mines Holdings under a deal with the Robert Mugabe administration in which he acquired the giant asbestos mining company for one dollar. Later on Mugabe would publicly call out Mawere for disloyalty.

Once the world’s sixth largest asbestos miner, employing over 4000 workers, SMM, under Mawere slid into debt to the state and insolvency. SMM was seized by government in 2004 through the Reconstruction of State-Indebted Insolvent Companies Act.

State appointed administrator Afaras Gwaradzimba of AMG Global Chartered Accountants failed to resuscitate SMM

In 2020 Gawaradzimba said he had disposed of some of SMM’s US$450 million assets to fund operation revival.

Mawere referred to Air Zimbabwe (AirZim) and Hwange Colliery Company Limited, as cases where violations of the law had taken place while the firms were under reconstruction.

"Court to declare that Mnangagwa's conduct in relation to the affairs of Air Zimbabwe Private Limited and Hwange Colliery Company through his direct and personal actions including appointing Chinamasa as chairman of Air Zimbabwe under reconstruction, which conduct was ultra vires the Reconstruction of State-indebted Insolvent Companies Act,” said Mawere in his application

Chinamasa was the minister of finance between 2013 and 2017.

Also cited as respondents alongside Mnangagwa are SMM, THZ Holdings Limited, Africa Resources Limited, Tap Building Products Limited and Tichaona Mupasiri.

Tichaona Mupasiri has been a court regular. He joined Sybeth Musengezi in his bid to have ED’s ascendancy to Zanu PF leadership declared unconstitutional. He filed a Constitutional Court (ConCourt) application alleging President Emmerson Mnangagwa has captured the Judiciary after his application to be joined in the Shabani and Mashava Mines court proceedings were dismissed before the summons were served on the President.

Mupasiri in 2021 filed a ConCourt application seeking to be joined in the court proceedings citing Mutumwa Mawere, SMM Holdings Limited, Africa Resources, TAP Building Products and Mnangagwa as respondents.

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  • 9/23/2023

    Tapiwa Matangaidze

    THE FALL OF MAWERE EMPIRE: Tapiwa Matangaidze was the managing director of Petter International Group Transport. and he alone was directly responsible for the collapse of Mawere Empire in Zimbabwe. Tapiwa hired a Group General Manager Transport to get this division up and running. Between November 2001 to December 2002. The general manager was a very knowledgeable person with considerable experience in both local and international cross border transport and a well known transport consultant in Southern Africa. He had a proven record of anti-corruption and refused to accept any form of corruption in the workplace. Once the company was up and running and making huge profits from Transport Brokering Tapiwa decided to replace this GM with a friend who was GM for RMS transport. The GM was ‘’Abruptly fired by Tapiwa ‘’ for refusing to carry out his criminal instructions due to his failures and lack of knowledge of ‘’Zimbabwe Laws’’ his failure to understand how transport works in Zimbabwe and across international border and even on railways, the instructions he tried to force him to do for him, carried a 2 year’s imprisonment sentence. The illegal dismissal was upheld by Hilary Munyati the CEO for Mutumwa Mawere - Hilary was given a very high position at Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe after collapse of Mawere. The General Manager on his dismissal said ‘’ I was given a very nice company vehicle when I started there, I took it home and gave it a good wash & polish inside and out and it was maintained and remained immaculate. A week before I was fired, I was working at Bulawayo Turnall’s Asbestos and staying in their company flat, high rise building, for the reasons hereunder, I was not on good terms with Tapiwa, Tapiwa arrived in Bulawayo with the company accountant Joe Mhalbi and they missed their plane departure at Bulawayo Airport. They phoned me to come and pick them up and take them into the city, we stopped at a service station, Tapwia told me to fill the vehicle with fuel and when I came back from paying for the fuel, Tapiwa was in drivers seat and Joe sitting next to him. ‘’ said Tapiwa ‘’ We need to get back to Harare and we are taking your vehicle and it will become Joe’s company vehicle, too good for you, you can get a loan vehicle from Turnalls. I was left stranded in Bulawayo outskirts. Later I received a phone call from Western Transport owner to say, please come and see us as Tapiwa had been there and cancelled their long standing contract, they had heavily invested in the trailers and vehicles specially adapted to carrying Asbestos Pipes from Bulawayo to South Africa. All gone in a flash. Tapiwa instructed to use an African owned company J.J. Transport in Bulawayo. Their first load of pipes to South Africa, the vehicle broke down and took a week to get to South Africa, normally a day trip. ‘’Your Fired’’ said Tapiwa on the phone to the GM. The fired GM phoned Buks van Rensburg at Coma Transport in South Africa to say good bye and told him about Western Transport and Tapiwa etc. Buks advised that Tapiwa had planted an accountant in Coma Transport which belonged to Buks but later he sold 51% to Mawere through Petter Transport Harare. The spy from Tapiwa admitted to Buks that he had been planted there to spy on Buks. Buks Van Rensburg & Michael Christoph a friend of Buks was well known to the GM and lthey had a contract with Tapiwa under FSI Agricom ARL / Mawere – to carry cement from Blue Circle Cement Harare to Turnalls at both Harare and Bulawayo, these trucks were South African Registered and it was illegal for these trucks to operate from picking up loads and delivering same loads in Zimbabwe. When the contract was completed, Tapiwa paid them in ZW$ instead of the agreed Rands They had to do a deal with a Transporter in Harare to buy diesel in Harare and fill up their trucks when they came to Harare with loads from South Africa. The GM had refused to participate in Tapiwa’s corruption. Tapiwa stole 5000 tons of Maize from Save the Children Fund UK. The Maize was on route from South Africa to Malawi and on the 1st leg of the journey the Maize was loaded into shipping containers in Northern Transvaal South Africa and railed to Harare via Botswana. Tapiwa negotiated a contract with NRZ railways Zimbabwe for a cheap rate for bulk Maize (loose no bags) not containers either. They put 30 tons of Maize in each 12 meter container and with weight of the container at 2.2 tons that worked out at 32.2 tons per container. The maximum weigh permitted by VID Zimbabwe was 28 tons per container, Tapiwa assumed that he could transfer the containers straight onto waiting road transport trucks that would take it to Blantyre via Nyamapanda / Tete. However Tapiwa had not calculated the costs of a bonded warehouse at Customs Harare and all the handling fees and NRZ charged him double rates for Containers instead of bulk. The GM was never consulted about the contract in total 35,000 tons for Save the Children UK. The hired trucks were held up at Nyamapanda border, for overloading and he ordered the GM to have them offloaded in Mutoko & Murewa GMB depots – GM told Tapiwa he needed Customs Voucher of Correction documents and to pay for import duty into Zimbabwe – IGM refused to offload the first 5000 of 35,000 - Duty for imports was never paid. BUKS Van Rensburg took his revenge on Tapiwa and between Buks Van Rensburg and Veronica Marsh Smit, Mawere’s Financial Director for Mawere, they produced a dossier on Mawere companies in Zimbabwe & South Africa and his banking investments in British Virgin Islands. The dossier was personally handed to Robert Mugabes appointed chairperson at a meeting in Pretoria at Herman Van Eedes Lawyers on 19th February 2004. The lawyers representing Buks Van Rensburg. 2 companies bought by Mawere in Zimbabwe was bought for US$50 million. CD1 -RBZ export documents had not been remitted and Mawere was investing the export payments that were owed to Turnall. Had it not have been for the evil works of Tapiwa Matangaidze, Mawere might have been still running SMM in 2023. These are the facts as stated.

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