Elderly woman killed in Zesa cable-induced inferno

Zim Now Writer

An elderly Greendale woman perished in a raging house fire which was sparked by Zesa cables which had touched.

The victim, identified only as Mrs Chabuka, stayed along Abel Road in Greendale.

In a video circulating online, fiery flames rose up to the sky as they destroyed the trusses and roof of the Greendale house, burning it to ashes.

One person died from the fire.

An eyewitness said that the area had been experiencing faults for a while when the house was destroyed by an inferno.

“I write to inform you that there has been a dark tragedy on Abel Road this morning. There was a fire at no.16 Abel Road and the whole house was burnt down and the very elderly Mrs Chabuka sadly lost her life in the blaze.

“We have been having trouble with power lines touching and causing fiery explosions ever since copper cables were stolen and replaced with overhead conductors two months or so ago on Abel Road.

“Touching conductor lines on adjacent Vernon Avenue under fault number 125293 were separated as recently as last Saturday but they are touching again as you will see in the pictures I’ve sent.

“This morning we witnessed fiery explosions on Abel Road and Vernon Avenue from 5am-6am the time at which no 16 came under fire but we are not yet sure what the cause of her fire was.

"Currently, power has gone since the explosions this morning as well and there are conductor lines which are currently touching on Abel outside no1 Abel Road.

“We appeal to Zesa for a lasting solution to the issue of touching conductor cables and explosions resulting in intermittent power cuts on Abel Road and Vernon Avenue.

“I have the national faults centre and will also appeal to the Mabvuku Depot officers,” the witness said.


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