Patience Muchemwa
It is important to prepare for a long distance ride by packing all essential items to make the trip enjoyable and comfortable as possible.
In an interview with Zim Now, a regular traveller and a member of Webber Coaches, Amanda Jakopo shared some of the tips they give to their customers when travelling.
Jakopo said the most important thing is to make sure the traveller have packed tickets and any other travel documents the night before.
“We encourage the customers to book the bus on time in order to secure comfortable seats that is a window seat, front or back seat,” she said.
Travellers are advised to book enough seats when travelling with kids and people who are sick.
“We advise them to book enough seats for those travelling with toddlers or a sick passenger who can’t travel the whole journey seated.
“Bring a blanket, neck pillow, earplugs, eye mask, water bottle, healthy snacks, hand sanitizer, tissues, comfortable clothes, books, headphones, and entertainment such as a podcast or audiobook.”
A regular air traveller, who declined to be identified, said travellers must put comfortable clothes.
“When travelling long distances passengers are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes to stay comfortable on a long ride, wear warm clothes that are easy to move around in. Leggings or jogging bottoms are great, and so are warm jumpers and cotton jackets.”
Arriving at the bus station, rail station and airport early helps travellers avoid stress before boarding and it gives time to grab a coffee and get to the correct place with plenty of time.
If a traveller is prone to motion sickness, they must choose a seat near the front of the bus.
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