Mufakose, Kambuzuma residents exposed to disease risk as rain floods the area

Bridget Mabanda

Mufakose-Kambuzuma ward 36 councillor Loveness Gomba has accused the local authority of failing to provide a functional drainage system in Mufakose, resulting in flash floods affecting some homes during the rainy season.

Speaking to Zimbabwe Now, Cllr Gomba said this has exposed people staying at corner Crowbrough Way and Chitototo to water-borne diseases due to pools of water that have formed in the area due to the poor drainage systems.

She said she had received complaints from residents about the poor drainage systems.

“The water is supposed to pass through the drain, but because there is no proper drainage system in the area, whenever it rains, the area gets flooded,” she said.

Cllr Gomba said that the problem emanates from the fact that council was supposed to fix the drainage system before the rain season.

She also said another issue which must be addressed in her ward is on public lighting.

Cllr Gomba said it is an issue which is supposed to be addressed as it pains her a lot to see residents being victims of these unaddressed issues.

“Inadequate street lights in Marimba is making the area look unpleasant during the night. People are being murdered and some are losing their valuables due to poor lighting.

“There are three tower lights in the area and one of the lights was said to have a bee-hive, they came and sprayed and went for good. The lights only need replacement of bulbs, but does it mean the council does not have the money to buy the bulbs since they are different from those in high density,” she said.

Cllr Gomba said she was hoping that council would react immediately after she complained in the full council meeting, but no action was taken to date.
“They only came twice and went back without fixing anything. It is now close to four years without tower lights in the area,” she said.

She said the council keeps on giving excuses saying it does not have enough equipment to switch on the tower lights. 


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